
UGG Sale Clothing City relocation compensation agreement was not signed demolitions ( Figure )

Resettlement compensation standards are not agreed upon by,UGG Sale, beautiful clothing Phuket city demolition lead tenant dissatisfaction. Nanfang Daily reporter Lu Lishe

lessee standard is artificially reduced, the difference is not a small sum of money

demolition has been the owner's consent and agreement, reasonable and lawful conduct demolition

Nanfang Daily (Reporter / Yang Lei) controversial, leading to the demolition of the city to do business with the clothing side from the dispute. Mr Wong said the city official clothing,UGG Sale, they are not

responded Buji, demolition, housing owners have agreed to the demolition, demolition act reasonable and legitimate, primarily because the lessee strongly disrupt the housing between the landlord and tenant is not in the business to agree on compensation.

tenant complaints:

compensation is not agreed upon fashion cities face demolitions

demolition, compensation for granted, but did not get the money, we should be seeing the house demolitions.

yesterday morning, reporters went to the streets in Phuket City, Guangdong Po beautiful clothing investigation. Reporters on the scene, clothes around the city surrounded by wood, small shops have all exit, all exits are placed in the

clothing city official to Mr Wong, June 1, 2004, the Company's fruit and vegetable trading company in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Po leased the plant a six-, five-story dormitory one, seven quarters 1, the total area of ​​nearly 12,000 square meters for business transformation, a term of 8 years. Rental housing, the garment had broken the old city on the old plant, dormitories for renovation, and inspection by the fire, according to the law to receive a business license. Subsequently, the clothes have also entered the city of 121 small shops.

April 6 this year, the lease has not been to the case of fruit and vegetable trading company housing owners issued a notice that the Guangdong Buji River Po River project will be started interception trunk, clothing City rented three houses included in the demolition range. Mr Wong said the city government for the construction of key public environmental protection projects, he has no objection, the city profits despite good clothing, he was willing to obey the relocation arrangements, and found clothing city wall has been built the scaffolding, around the closed roads,

Mr Wong said that the reason compensation agreement failed to reach an agreement, because the demolition compensation standard was too low given.

correspondent in a street issued against the tenant relocation compensation table saw, for the demolition be included in the scope of construction, street construction purposes in accordance with the administrative division of a regional and 12 compensation level. If it is commercial buildings, first floor, the compensation standard is 250 yuan / square meter, on the second floor above 30 yuan / square meter; second is the first floor of 100 yuan / square meter,UGG Sale, on the second floor above 20 yuan / square meter.

Mr Wong said the problem lies in the types of compensation division. The administrative area in the first category of clothing has been artificially included in the second class city, the compensation standard and it would reduce a lot. Taking into account the larger area of ​​the city clothing, which will be a difference is not small money.

street response:

not contradictory because the owners and lessees to agree on compensation for loss of business into the sky

Buji Street Office official explained, Buji River Yue Po river city interception trunk is a major public works construction projects, environmental protection, sewage treatment plant is supporting projects in Phuket, one of the project on December 1, 2009 to obtain the Shenzhen Urban Planning and Land Resources Committee presented the demolition permit

because the work involved in fruit and vegetable trading company in Shenzhen, three demolition of buildings and structures, with the fruit and vegetable companies and 121 small shops involved in many consultations, the end of August, has been with the owners and 121 small shops signed a compensation and resettlement agreement, which completed 121 small shops have moved, fruit and vegetable street entering the scaffolding company agreed to do the demolition preparations. Lessee Zhuang (Mr. Huang's boss) and the street sign also reached a preliminary intention, and agreed to approach scaffolding, demolition of houses to do preparatory work. However, as Zhuang and fruit and vegetable company management compensation is not full agreement, leading many to block the demolition of its preparatory work before.

informed sources, in the process of demolition compensation, business apparel side of the city should compensate the work of the original homeowners fruit and vegetable companies, but because of major public works projects, and the tight schedule, street directly participate in the development and compensation program, the resulting demolition and tenant disputes.

yesterday morning, fruit and vegetable company, clothing, and the city management side street to consult again on the issue of compensation, as of press time reporters, no substantive progress in negotiations. Phuket street demolition Zhongzhu Ren insisted that the demolition of houses as long as the fruit and vegetable trading company owners agreed to begin demolition sector has reached an agreement with the company, started and no errors.

