
UGG Online Outlet Excavator salvage vessel is large engineering trainee correspondent correspondent

informed sources , a few years ago , a barge terminal because of the damaged hull , sank on the shore of the river bottom. Regulatory requirements due to the recent shipping will be salvaged barges , coupled with terminal renovation and expansion work , yesterday, the terminal will be invited to bear this car excavator salvage work ,UGG Online, hauling the heavy hull barges .

Guo introduce witnesses , 10 am , he is away from the incident about 200 meters of dock work , suddenly heard the river came the Following the sound he looked and saw an excavator is sinking into the river . Soon , a man rushed to the river from the shore , then fell into the driver 's cab window is open , smoke water , after the man into the water , dragged the driver of a shore .

It is understood that the excavator worth more than 100 million, just returned from abroad to repurchase . After the incident, the owner of excavators through a friend , brought a special installation of mechanical engineering company ship,UGG Online Outlet, the salvage . 16:10 Xu , after four hours of fishing , boat Jubi engineering excavator lifted , slowly falls the shore .

It is understood that the terminal is a private dock owner surnamed Liu . Currently, the terminal being re- repair and expansion project .

Excavator salvage vessel is large engineering trainee correspondent correspondent Huxin Cheng Yi Hao Ge photo

Metropolis Daily News ( correspondent to correspondent Ching Shun Hu Xincheng Chenguang Can ) yesterday morning, in the new Stone Island Cement Yangluo Development Wa plant near the river piers , a large excavator dragging a river in the sinking of the barge , due to the soft marshland soil , drivers and excavators are plunged into the river . A passer-by rush to jump into the river , rescued the driver .

yesterday afternoon , reporters rushed to the scene , a light green large excavators also submerged in the river , the river is a large-scale projects implemented in the salvage ship . Side of the marshland soil loose ,UGG Boots, easily slipping ,UGG Outlet, frightened excavator driver is no longer live .

