
Moncler Down Jackets [ Switch ] VB properties, methods, Chinese and English

VB properties, methods, Chinese and English
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--- property is in Chinese and English - -
property name meaning
Action Returns or sets the dialog box is displayed (CommandDialog) type,Moncler Down Jackets, at design time.
ActiveControl active control
ActiveForm active form
Align text alignment type specifies the location of the picture box graphic
Archive document if it contains a text list box control object properties
AutoRedraw automatically redraw
AutoSize controls automatically adjust the size of the object background color
BackColor specified linear combination of the background border color way
BorderColor type
BorderStyle border border width
Cancel command button is the Cancel Caption title
Checked menu items tagged
ClipControls Paint event is set to redraw the whole control
Columns list box,Moncler Down Jackets, specify the number of columns displayed horizontally
ControlBox form whether control box
Count the number of objects
CurrentY current X coordinate Y coordinate
Default specified the current default button
DragIcon drag the control process as a way to drag icons
DrawMode set the line drawing mode
DrawWidth set width
Drive specify the drive (drive list box)
Enabled object activity text is available
EXEName name
FileName file name < br> FileNumber file number
FillColor fill color
FillStyle populated
FontBold font bold font types
FontCount count
FontName font italic font name
Fonts by serial number return to a usable font size font names
FontStrikethru Canada crossed
FontTransparent font and background superimposed
FontUnderline underlined
ForeColor foreground color
Height Sets or returns the height of the object
HelpContextID objects connected with the Help file ID number
HelpFile call in the application Help files
Hidden file list box displays the specified files are hidden files
Icon displayed after the form is minimized icon
Image graphic form or picture box handle
Index Sets or returns control to the control array subscript
Interval timer settings or return the number of milliseconds
ItemData for list box or combo box,Moncler Down Jackets, and the List property before the same
KeyPreview form or control receives keyboard events before receiving keyboard events
LargeChange scroll box within the scroll bar changes the maximum
Left control and form the left boundary distance
ListCount count
List list box string array
ListIndex options specified control the current number
Max, Min specifies the minimum and maximum scroll bar to maximize
MaxButton button
MaxLength specified text box receives the maximum string
MDIChild specify a form for MDI child forms
MinButton minimize button
MousePointer mouse shape
MultiLine set multi-line text box < br> MultiSelect list box or text box, specify a number of options for the object name
Name list box or combo box to join the project last subscript
Normal specify the file list box displays the file Specify the printer attribute
Page current page number
Parent to return control to the form where the password
PasswordChar character
Path Sets or returns the current path
Pattern run in the file list box shows the file type
Picture Picture Properties
ReadOnly file is read only user-defined coordinate system
ScaleHeight vertical axis
ScaleLeft user-defined coordinate system point of abscissa
ScaleMode user-defined coordinate system unit
ScaleTop user-defined coordinate system, the starting point of the vertical axis
ScaleWidth user-defined coordinate system of the horizontal axis
ScrollBars decide whether a text box with horizontal or vertical scroll bar
Selected Files list box or list to return project selection box state the length of the selected text
SelStart starting point
SelText selected text selected text string
Shape controls the shape of display type
Shortcut menu item to set Hot
SmallChange scroll bar changes the value of the minimum
Sorted list box or combo box items are in alphabetical order
Stretch graphics into the picture box on
Style specified controls (combo boxes, buttons, etc. ) type
System Sets or returns the file list box displays the file is a system file
TabIndex set or return the control of the picking order
TabStop using the Tab key to move the cursor in a control on whether to stay < br> Tag control alias
Text text
Title Title property
Top controls on the form the border with the distance
TopIndex set or file list box, list box displays the first screen project
TwipsPerPixelX or printer dots
TwipsPerPixelY horizontal direction perpendicular to the direction of the screen or printer dots
Value after moving the scroll bar value
Visible control is visible
Width object width
WindowList specify whether the menu item containing MDI form a list of
WindowState state
WordWrap window displays the text label way
X1 set or return line control to set the starting point of the abscissa
X2 or return line controls the end of the abscissa
Y1 to set or return to the starting point of the vertical axis linear control to set or return line
Y2 end of the vertical coordinates of the control
--- ---
event in Chinese and English name meaning
Activate event activated control
Change change
Click Click
DblClick double
Deactivate inactive form, the active form occurs when another drop
DragDrop drag drag
DropDown After moving down
GotFocus get the keyboard focus
KeyPress press the keyboard keys
KeyUp keyboard open
Load into
LostFocus press the mouse loses focus
MouseMove the mouse move the mouse up
MouseUp to redraw
PathChange passing control to change the attribute to change
PatternChange off
Resize the form to change the queue size
Scroll scroll of rolling
Timer timer
Unload unloaded object
Updated update

