
UGG Online Shop Zodiac election ancients MM

Choose a good husband ancient
2005-1-17 strip
Zodiac life most women want to marry XII ancient celebrities -
modern man seems to dinosaur who lived in the event of a nightmare, gradually from dominant extinction, is different is that there is no land mass drift, climate has not changed. Their scarcity, so that contemporary lesbians are increasingly miss the good old Mr.. Elected the following of these, I do not know to check whether you are looking for?
Aries Aries MM MM --- Xiang Yu
have peerless heroism more desirable, but without losing the tenderness of the hero! Air force Nukiyama Come guise, is not disappearing when adverse Come piebald. Piebald can do nothing without death Xi, Xi Yu Yu Xi Ruo Chennai! This is the King Xiang Yu of Chu during the die on the eve of battle by the swan song Gaixia word, filled with unparalleled pride, but also contains filled with deep feeling; both show a rare self-confidence, but man's small and heavy sigh! Although he would still be a tragic figure, but he was by virtue of their glorious exploits before, unparalleled courage strength, outstanding talent, in fact, is the uncrowned king, leader of leaders! So this is not all-powerful spirit can be nurtured! Full of tenderness of Heroes, where can we find today's society, who exudes charm and spirit, capable of allowing self-sustaining Aries and MM can not resist Oh!
Taurus Taurus MM --- Zhuge Liang
the MM has a strong possessive, strong desire for power! Modern society has reached the level of lecherous men see a loved one, for her really too terrible! The great strategist Zhuge Liang (with Jiang Taigong a loss for a history of our country was later hailed as the His wife then, You think a man is said to still more handsome man, known as After Liu Bei made by the famous Powerful was able to clearly pick a serious lack of external beauty, more astronomical geography of good teachers, but also fully enjoy the preferential treatment of his wife, military adviser, the most important thing is really his wife that a Yo!

Gemini Gemini MM --- Leonardo da Vinci's favorite is the new thing MM! In the art historians commented: He not only painting, sculpture, building houses, but also the invention of weapons, designed the world's first flying machine; he is also a physician, musician and dramatist; but also in geography and botany and other scientific research a lot of achievements. His high moral character, extraordinary strength, and to live with this man, do you think will be boring? I'm afraid you can enjoy many of the novel Oh!
Cancer Cancer MM --- the MM from ancient to modern times, their housekeeping skills and hobbies can be said that has not changed at all oh. No doubt they like Mengchang Tian had. Mengchang as a powerful minister, their wealth and status Needless to say, but he also shelter, support Menke, Menke said three thousand men of the congregation. If converted into a family, imagine how much a family ah! Moreover, here, the daily fuel, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, or else all the small expenses, and ultimately, people worry about. Cancer can happen to give full play to the strengths of MM, words can not make bricks without straw, but the cleverest housewife in the hands of the Mengchang outside the home, Cancer MM Lord, their division of labor and collaboration! Moreover, there Menke > Peter the Great, Leo MM --- MM
Leo itself is very tough, so she needs a very powerful but in fact she did not tough the strong! I see Peter the Great is a suitable candidate strategy! Russian history he an important figure, but he never put his wife, Catherine the Great in front of a shelf, he knew that his grief was her grief, his happiness is her happiness. In cordial conversation, Peter put all his things to worry about this with her. This is because couples do not And after his death, the throne will pass to Catherine, has been to make the lion king of MM's most wanted position, how to prevent the Lions moved MM cried too!
Virgo MM --- MM Bao Zheng
Virgo Although not much ambition, but also want a safe life, like integrity, intelligence and kindness of the other half! The most suitable is the arbiter adults it! He not only honest, loving the people as children, but also high level of intelligence! Arbiter of the series have seen a lot of it, is explain how to solve the case of packet adults, although more fabricated components, but no smoke without fire, the original description of the old package is still very solid two to settle a lawsuit! In addition, Bao was because the parents in old age do not want to go with him to a foreign land, he immediately resigned from the office, and this body in the official circles, but not eager for reputation and status of mood can be said to be the most Virgo MM's like! You said Bao other good, is a point of black skin! ? Haha, that was intentional, you noticed that when the debut of a movie star is just a small white face it? It was beautiful to deliberately tan it!
Libra Libra MM --- Pan
the MM actually feel what is not important, the object of their long beautiful person is the most important. Jin is now a strong launch when one of the most prestigious rich looking man Pan. He is said to car travel, which is now pressure the road, there are many young women on the road to his car, throwing fruit, out of time, full of fruit and pull the car back! To say that looks can also be found to describe,UGG Online Shop, His appearance is not only handsome, but also as baby-like naughty, often channeling through the streets carrying slingshots Lane, Luoyang City, people have not been playing very difficult to find the head package, but the strange thing is he never attacking women, and he was great spoil the child a, very, very good mother. This handsome, uninhibited and Lianxiangxiyu, there are virtues of filial piety and heavy. Can be said to have personality, taste, gifted with beauty, MM scales naturally like incredible,UGG Online Shop!
Scorpio Scorpio MM --- the MM itself is a very insightful thinkers, of course, thinking of which tied up the extreme Scorpio Oh! Touched upon the most to see the wit, the case of Nietzsche this figure it! Nietzsche's superman philosophy, as long as the wish to promote more powerful and more powerful, there is a potential for the development of their own, as if one more bold, to how much product! Progress is quite an idea, and in promoting the moral person should be responsible for their actions, efforts to assume their responsibilities. Such a strong idea, and so know how to take their own responsibility, we can say is the real man, a strong defense of the philosopher, of course, self-confident man of Scorpio like MM's favorite slightly.
Sagittarius MM --- MM Khan
Sagittarians love travel, love the name River to conquer her feet and the earth! If so, then look for Genghis Khan one! Mongol dynasty of Genghis Khan as the greatest commander, vertical and horizontal battlefield 40 years, territorial boundaries across Europe and Asia! Men of the land of wide, it can be said enough for you to play on a lot of time! You can sweat together in the grasslands with shooting eagles, bow, you can also ride the Ferghana BMW speeding! Even if you are tired of the cold desert climate, you can also go directly to the Persian Gulf, enjoy a unified territory and moon! Of course, the most important thing is the place you want is not on your home, no problem, let your brother play millions of bold warriors of Genghis Khan to play down to your play ~ ~ ~ ~ In summary then, with Genghis Khan, brother, you love which can play on which to play! !
Capricorn Capricorn MM --- Tokugawa Ieyasu, the MM
good patience, perseverance and, naturally, like the ambitious temperament of man. The Tokugawa Ieyasu the careerist, the natural is their first choice, and this person's patience and vision are well-known in the history of Japan. Tokugawa Ieyasu, Hideyoshi then sent belongings hostage, in order to reduce the Toyotomi on his guard, he was every morning to Hideyoshi's shoes in my arms Wu heat, so you can wear Toyotomi one to warm up Warm shoes. In spite of this Marry this person, enough to live up to this line of life, not only can enjoy the
business Aquarius MM --- MM King Zhou
Aquarius taste are unique, unconventional people they like, but the only people who have capital, putting the most appropriate provider of King Zhou. In fact,UGG Online Shop, business is very talented King Zhou, but tyrannical, born of the Titanic, imaginative agility, operating southeast, like invention, hook mad, and to make contacts and even their marriage requirements. My God, business is definitely Aquarius MM King Zhou of choice, and enjoy the cool boyfriend, but can also enjoy the splendor!
Pisces MM --- Fuxi
as gentle two fish all day with people like that is touching, this is like the feeling of Pisces MM! Fu Xi and Nu Wa in the legend are brother and sister or husband and wife, were the first snake. This half-human beast's tail all day long winding God, from the breeding of human reproduction. To MM, how can miss this Times have changed, we are busy, no time to day to accompany her boyfriend Pisces MM, Fu Xi who recommended doing my snakes, all day long lingering and never!



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