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Ch. 1: Fire & Visions

Chie stood by her locker alone. Her storm-colored eyes and brown hair sparkled in the spring air and the unlikely scent of lavender filled the halls of Veneficia A High. For Chie, the scent of lavender meant something bad was going to happen. She didn’t want to have to believe that this was true, there was something that was supposed to happen and something that wasn’t supposed to happen today. Unfortunately, she saw something horrible. She saw the arrivals of unfamiliar faces. Her expression was blank and serious,Beats Headphones, almost like it was saying Back off and you won’t die.

“Hey, Chie, snap out of it!” a voice yelled. She blinked and Laura, a girl with blue hair, was standing right in front of her. Chie shook her head powerfully and her eyebrow rose slightly,Louboutin Outlet, “Huh?” Laura stared at her and sighed, “You were zoning out again.” Somehow her eyes suddenly widened at the thought that she was. If it wasn’t bad enough that Laura was accusing of her of zoning out, it was the horrible thought that she really was without notice. “Are you even sure that I was?” asked Chie in a soft voice. If her vision was right, the purple-haired girl would arrive with a male that seemed so hard and cold in his face that it wasn’t even possible.

A boy with spunky red hair, almost like fire,Beats Headphones, walked up to Chie and Laura. “Alistair,” Laura cooed excitedly. His gothic suit was starting to gleam in the light. Alistair nodded solemnly. Chie suddenly jerked her head to the far hall of school. Standing there was a girl who looked about fifteen. Her belly-button showed under her t-shirt, so black and yet, it was so perfect. A golden chain hung around her neck and with the faint blue jean-shorts, it looked stunning. Of course the cowgirl boots seemed to work as well. Standing beside her was a tall male who looked about seventeen. His orange t-shirt was perfectly complimented with a silver necklace and a silver jacket, the hood was lined with whitish-tan fur.

As Chie stared at them, the two strode down the hall, staring at the three with locking glances. The two didn’t even turn back to the surroundings. Nick, one of Chie’s friends, passed the two. They didn’t even seem to notice him at all. They continued walking. Nick’s blue tie seemed to coordinate with his yellow sweater vest and white button down shirt. He sighed heavily. “What is with those two, they’re so quiet?” Nick asked Chie, raising a black eyebrow. Laura spoke for her, “They’re new here. I heard from someone that they were supposed to be here a week ago but their flight from California was delayed so they arrived yesterday.” Chie nodded. Alistair stared at the purple haired girl in amazement.

“She seems interesting,” he smirked. She walked up to him, “And that’s just the beginning, there’s more to me than you might think.” The male standing next to her looked at Alistair for a second and grunted with dissatisfaction. “You know, if you want to, you could sit with us at lunch in a few hours,” Nick smiled. “I would love to, but my brother can’t, he’s in the senior class, I’m a sophomore,” she told him softly.

Chie snorted secretively. “Quite rude of you,” the light brown haired boy told her. Chie’s eyes widened with shock. “How did you-?” Chie began, but was interrupted by Alistair. “He has good hearing.” “No duh,” she teased. “Well, that’s Jackson for you,” the purple haired girl smirked. Jackson noticed that everything was going perfectly. He glared at his sister evilly, almost like he was going to say something. “Winter,” Jackson growled.

Winter stared at him for five seconds and narrowed her eyes. Chie and Alistair chuckled for about a second until Laura and Nick flashed a warning glance telling them to stop. Winter rolled her eyes, for the first time they looked like a dead flame. “Winter, we should go,” Jackson grinned, his perfectly pink lips separated. Winter gave him a sad glance,Coach Outlet, slowly nodding which led to her small, weak, “Okay.” Somehow her expression gave some ideas of what could’ve been hidden about her brother.

As Jackson strode away from his sister something seemed to change. Winter shortly followed him; her short bob bounced as the bright sun danced across it almost like a purple flame. Chie turned to Alistair in wonder. “What is up with them?” Laura asked finally. Her blue hair started to sparkle an almost silver color as something almost so perfect happened to her. A shimmer of light swirled around her and the suddenly fairy wings appeared on her back.

If there was almost something odd about how the magic just suddenly appeared in the school, then it wasn’t even noticed anymore. “Something seems off about them,” Alistair sighed. Chie stared at Winter for a minute, and then glanced at him darkly. If something was right, then it was ever so wrong. Of everything, there was a risk factor for everyone was willing to take. Everyone turned to Nick for a minute. He cowered. Alistair stared at him in disappointment. “Nick, are you seriously going to cower down just because everyone is relying on you?” he growled lowly. “Well,” Nick began, “I want to be brave, but I just don’t have that aspect in me yet.”

Chie sighed, “Nick, we’re counting on you for something like this.” Laura stared blankly. “If we count on Nick, then who knows what kind of danger we could get in,” Laura reasoned. In her ideas, she was the smart one. In reality, Alistair was much more intelligent. To Chie, Alistair was like a brother, even though she didn’t have any siblings. Nick, still standing, looked in the distance and saw a large flash of light. “That’ll teach you not to rebel against me!” Jackson growled to his sister, Winter, who was crumpled on the ground in tears. Her light purple hair was darkened. “I don’t need to do this with you,” he continued, “I can do this on my own.”

For the first time Alistair growled angrily. Chie held his hand to prevent him from causing another injury. “Alistair, calm down, it’s just a sibling argument,Louboutin Shoes,” Laura assured. “Doubtable,” sneered Chie, who was still getting Alistair to look away from the newbies. “Fine,” Alistair sighed as soon as he looked away. Chie’s eyes widened as a new vision struck. She saw evil, sarcasm, and blood. She saw the true face of horror, and she saw Winter, so weak, and yet she was willing to fight someone.

Three hours passed and now it was the free lunch period. The scent of lavender was still in the air, sensing that something was truly and utterly wrong. Alistair sniffed the air. He, too, smelt the lavender essence in the cafeteria. “C-can I sit with you?” a weak voice asked. Nick turned to see Winter. Chie looked closely and saw how much darker her hair was. “Sure, you also need to get something to eat,” Alistair reminded, “you seem skinny.” Winter looked off in the distance, sure enough; Jackson was staring at her in a warning way.

Winter continued to wait, when Jackson passed by, she would use her one power to create lunch from one single zap. Even then she couldn’t preform magic. Something was truly wrong.

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