
Beats Headphones"Bring Yoko"

"Bring Yoko", I said seriously. "Bring him now!" Kurama stared at me wide-eyed.

"Nagisa what are you saying?" he asked, "Go to sleep. Well talk about this tomorrow". I shook my head.

"Im serious". Kurama stared at me a little more serious, our eyes connecting.

"Nagisa go to sle-" he suddenly stopped talking and I could felt the amount of power that was rising from him. His red hair began changing into silver and his emerald green eyes turned into cold golden ones. Fox ears sprouted from his head and a tail wrapped itself casually around his waist as his clothes changed. He stood up and he was well very tall. "Tell me little girl... What makes you think I wont kill you?" he asked. His voice totally changed. This smell It was Yoko now.

"M-my grandfather told me you where the key" I said. I have to admit; Im really scared. He began to laugh.

"Are you conscious of what you are telling me? I mean you have the Omoide Sacred Stone! If I kill you now and I obtain it, I could leave this Human body and be alive again! "He laughed again, "And youre telling me something about a key?! Answer me what makes you think a wont kill you?" Thats right why wont he? But I think I have the answer Gramps gave it to me! I have to remember!

"What do you mean with emmm ok?! Im serious!" my grandpa complained.

"But whats that?! the key?!" I said, looking at him sceptically.

My grandpa frowned, "Listen Nagisa long, long ago My grandfather started". I know it was going to be a long story, but I liked them. "There was a thief, a very strong one"

"YOKO!" I interrupted, grinning.

"Yes, yes Yoko well he heard that in a secret town of half beasts like him there was always,Cheap Sunglasses, every 100 years a maiden that had a precious stone that could do almost everything, but the location of the town was secret. Every 100 years when the maiden was born they moved to another place to protect her". I was really into the story now.

"Do they have to kill her to obtain the stone?" I asked, leaning closer as if trying to hear more with the lean.

"Yes, the stone is inside the maidens heart so well you know..." I nodded. "Well, Yoko found the location of the town and when he went to the town, he found her. The stone holder, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen with long blond hair and golden eyes that turned green around the pupil. She had a serious expression and looked like a woman to fear. He was captivated; he couldnt kill her".

"Love at first sight?" I asked excited.

"Listen, listen! Then she noticed his presence. "Whos there?" she asked. Yoko stepped forward and let himself to be seen. "HOLLY SHIT YOU ARE TALL" she yelled. She was totally the opposite of what Yoko imagined,Dre Dre Beats, he thought now that she was weak. Yoko tried to kill her but he was beaten by her. Time passed by and Yoko constantly visited her, no longer to obtain the stone. They had fallen in love. Then Ryoko, the stone holder started revealing the secrets of the stone to him and the night he asked why she was doing it she told to Yoko that she was going to die. She had a disease that gave her only 5 more years to live. She asked him to kill her when she needed it. Because she didnt wanted to suffer and also because she wanted Yoko to have the stone. If the stone holder dies, the stone disappears but if the stone holder is killed, the assassin gets the stone. Yoko refused to kill her, he wont kill his lover."

"Then Ryoko made him promise that hell never, ever kill someone from her clan and he promised", my grandfather said, leaning back a little bit.

"And what happened next?! Did Yoko marry her?!" I asked even more excited moving my tail from one side to another.

"No. Years after that Yoko disappeared from the Makai. I dont know what happened to him and Ryoko died one year after his disappearance". That was so sad!

"Thats not fair!" My grandfather chuckled and then coughed. "Well what does this has to do with the key stuff?" I asked handing a tissue to my grandpa.

"You'll see Nagisa, You'll see".

"Answer me!" He commanded.

"Because of Ryoko!" I said standing firmly.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"Ryoko! You promised to her you wouldnt kill Omoides!" Yoko smirked.

"I dont know what you are talking about!" I narrowed my eyes.

"Are you denying your love to her?" I asked.

"I never said that!" he complained, narrowing his eyes at me causing me to shiver.

"So its true!" I smiled.

"What do you want?" Yoko asked, getting slightly irritated.

"Train me! Please!" He smiled.

"Why should I?"

"Do it, as an apology for abandoning Ryoko in her lasts years", I said with a blank look in my eyes.

"I never abandoned her! Its not like that! I... ok I'll do it", he said, his shoulder slouching slightly.

"Im Nagisa by the way" I said smiling to him. I cant believe gramps story was true! Then Kurama returned to normal and stared at me.

"D-did he hurt you?" I shook my head, smiling.

"Well Im leaving now!" I said moving my tail and rushing into the hallway I glanced at Hieis door. I wonder if he will really get mad if I get in Well Ill found out some other time! I entered my room and went to sleep. I really love to sleep!

I woke up the next day and took a shower. Then I dressed with shorts and a white T-shirt. I walked downstairs and everybody was already eating I joined sitting next to Yusuke. "Where is my master?" I asked to no one in particular.

"She hasnt come around today", Yusuke answered and I nodded. "We are going to train. Nagisa want to join?" Yusuke asked smiling at me while eating.

"To train too?" I asked.

"Y-am-e-am-s", he said with his mouth full of food. I took it as a yes .

"I cant... I can only fight with my masters commands"

"SO LETS DO IT!" My master screamed while entering the room. "No one can beat your speed!" I smiled.

"Okay master lets do it!"

"I'll definitely beat you!" Yusuke yelled.

"Then you'll be the first opponent! "My master approached Yusuke.

"Done!" he said.

I was standing in the left side of the arena and next to me my master and in the other side was Yusuke. "START!" Kurama yelled. Yusuke joined his hands.

"I'll be easy on you", my master said.

"SPIRIT-GUN"! Yusuke yelled and a light came from one of his fingers.

"Dodge", my master said and I dodged it. "Now attack!" I jumped and attacked Yusuke with one of my legs but he stopped me with his hands. "Defend!" My master yelled. I stepped on his head and vanished in the air next to appear by his side and punching him in the face. "Tsk! You look like a pokemon obeying commands!" my master began laughing.

"Whats pokemon?" I asked.

"Never mind Nagisa", My master said and I nodded. Now "AGILITY ATTACK NAGISA! NO MERCEY!"

When Miname yelled that, Nagisa jumped so hard she vanished in the sky. Yusuke looked disconcerted, looking from side to side to see where she was coming. Then a shadow felled from the sky, dropping itself on top of him and hitting Yusuke very hard on the back of his neck. It was Nagisa. Yusuke fell to the ground unconscious.

"Im sorry Yusuke" I mumbled.

"Very good Nagisa! Your speed is the best!" Kuwabara ran to the arena and helped the now awake Yusuke.

"Very good Nagisa! If you werent so fast I could have beat you", Yusuke said smiling at me and I smiled back. "YOU ARE SO CUTE NAGISA!!!!!! PLEASE HUG THIS POOR LITTLE MAN!" Yusuke yelled and I laughed, hugging him. When he finally stopped taking the air out of me he said, "Hey Miname! You say that Nagisas speed it the best?"

"Hell yes!" my master yelled.

"Well why dont we have Nagisa fight Hiei? That is real speed!"
"I have no problem with that" my master said.

"Well, lets do it", Hiei said stepping in the arena.

"Ok! Nagisa use all of your speed!" My master yelled and I nodded.

I began to move very fast around him. I believe that for the spectators I was only a moving shadow now. I watched how he was standing there as if nothing. I kept doing the same, thinking in a way to attack him when he suddenly vanished and appeared behind me. "You are too slow", he whispered and hit me hard making me fall from the arena coughing blood. He wasnt going easy.

"N-Nagisa!" my master yelled as I stood up.

"Can I use them?" I asked and my master nodded. Then from my long boots I took 2 tessens and jumped back to the arena swiping the blood rolling from my lips.

"Fight Nagisa!" My master yelled. I began speed attacks again as Hiei dodged them and sometimes attacking back with his katana I took advantage when he tried to attack me with his katana again and tried cutting him with one of my tessens but he dodged it and he hit me hard again making me fall to the ground, putting his katana against my neck.

"Surrender?" he asked and I just stared at him. The decision is not mine.

"No", a voice said and both Hiei and I turned to look at the source. It was Yoko. "Nagisa stand up", he said as my master narrowed her eyes at him.

"Yoko-Kurama?" she asked and I stood up and nodded.

"He's going to train me", I said as Hiei stepped back to fight again, seeming like hes interested in this.

"Listen Nagisa... Close your eyes" Yoko said, I nodded and did so. "Now let me explain to you... The Omoide Sacred Stone can control fire, water, wind, earth and even people. If you know how to use it well... you can control the world! Now lets train the wind!" I nodded still having my eyes closed. "Ok, now you are going to be part of the wind... Try controlling it with your will Do it!" I tried hard to feel the wind and to understand how it moved and with my eyes shut I could see the streams of wind that moved everywhere, I lifted one hand lifting with it one of my tessens to cut one of the streams but Yoko stopped me,Beats Headphones, "Nagisa! Dont cut them try to control them". Control them? I tried hard to think in a way to control wind but that was just something impossible to do.

"Drop one of your tessens and try to lift it only thinking about it", Yoko said.

"You mean not using my hand?" I asked with my eyes still close.

"Yes", he said. I tried really hard to lift it only thinking about it. I dropped one of my tessens and tried really hard to focus on that, trying to move the streams of wind to the tessen. "Open your eyes now", Yoko commanded and I did. What I saw was my tessen flying next to me.

"WAAAAA I DID IT!" I yelled.

"You did nothing"! he snapped. "Now, its time to fight Hiei with both your wind skill and your speed". I nodded and narrowed my eyes at Hiei.

"Lets fight chibi-chibi Hiei!" I said.

Stop that, I heard in my head.

Are you my conscience? I asked back.

Baka onna, the voice responded.

Oh,Beats By Dre! Hiei! Hi! You can talk to me like this? Cool!, I said.

"Hn! Stop saying nonsense and lets fight", he hissed.

"Fine, fine!" I smiled and sped up to him but he dodged it. I began attacking him with my tessens in a normal way but it was impossible to beat him. He is too strong. I continued and he hit one of my tessens with his katana, making me drop it. I took a dagger out of my pocket and focused the wind to my legs making me fly a little on top of him, almost like jumping and I scratched him in his left cheek, making a little blood run out of his cheek.

Not bad, I heard in my head again and I smiled. But I am not going to go easy now, he continued and then began speeding around me hitting me constantly making me spit blood. He is so strong; it scares me. In my defence, I lifted with wind, dropping my tessen and distracting Hiei with my dagger. When he dodged it, I attacked him with my tessen scratching his other cheek. He narrowed his eyes and in one second I was being pressed against the floor with the katana. His eyes where full of anger. But it was so foolish; I could only achieve to scratch him. He is so strong; I never realized it. He never used his powers; he just fought with his katana. I feel like fainting now, but I also feel like staring into his eyes forever. Hiei cheeks tinted pink and he stood up walking out of the arena.

"Too easy!" he coldly said and walked away. Guess I forgot he can read my mind. I also stood up and stared at Yoko.

"Well done for your first time Nagisa", he said and turned to Kurama again. "I...What?" My master approached to him and smiled to him.

"Nothing. Are you feeling tired?" she sweetly asked.

"Kind of", he replayed, walking away with her as we all followed them back to the house. When we arrived, I ran upstairs and took a long refreshing shower, then dressed in a black top tank and a mini white skirt and walked downstairs.

No one was there. I stared at Hiei's windowsill. He wasnt there so why dont I... I walked to it and sat on it. WAAA! It has a great view of a valley! But Im sure this is not why Hiei sits on the windowsill I smiled to myself and then closed my eyes. I was so tired. I fell asleep.

Nagisa stared at the windowsill and then slowly walked to it. She sat down on it and smiled to the great view it had. She kept watching it till she felt asleep purring. Hiei walked downstairs to find Nagisa sleeping at HIS windowsill. He narrowed his eyes at her and walked towards her. He stared at her. "Onna move!" he commanded but had no answer from her just purring "Baka-Neko,Beats Headphones!" he hissed and Nagisa slowly woke up.

I woke up and had Hiei standing in front of me. "Chibi-chibi Hiei" I mumbled as he frowned. I stared into the scratches I had left in his face, his beautiful face. I placed my hands on his scratches leaning up to him still dazzled. He stared at me with his cheeks tinted pink. I approached to him only inches of distance. "Im sorry about this", I said slowly caressing his little wounds on his cheeks as he turned even redder. He took me by the wrist and pulled me up.

"Move! I want to sit!" He sat on his windowsill and stared out the window trying to hide how badly he was blushing. "Im not blushing" he mumbled and I smiled turning around to walk upstairs in order to sleep. I was so tired.

Maybe it's just me.

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