
Radish legs

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radish legs, referring to those very small ankle, the calf has been enormous, disproportionately people, the mirror will be able to tell from the front, feet together, take a look at the calf is not written out very clearly usually the formation of radish legs, is to do a long jump or tiptoe movement, to make excessive use of posterior leg of the gastrocnemius and stiff mast.


type defined method to determine the causes of muscular legs, fat legs fat-type radish radish legs edema simple precautions precautions coup defined ankle is fine, the calf has been enormous, disproportionate . Method to determine the mirror can tell from the front feet together to see the calf is not written out very clearly! Causes 1. Wearing the shoes did not fit, often associating with the Spice Girls platform shoes, or five centimeters above the height of thin heel enthusiasts.

2. long long standing poor blood circulation, resulting in venous return flow, and lower body toxins accumulate. 3 incorrect movement pattern, making the fat and muscle link and gathered into the calf's Routuan. Types Basically, radish legs divided into three types, the causes are different, not the same secret stovepipe must first identify the problems, to be effective to get rid of fat legs. Type radish legs calf muscle is very hard, almost pinching the absence of any fat, mostly in athletes, exercise or higher. Walking, massage

radish legs are out to get rid of fat legs

obvious, like a knot ball, muscles strong and powerful. Maintenance should focus on exercise before and after the warm-up exercise to reduce muscle cell hypertrophy phenomenon. Fat-type radish legs are mostly seen in the body than the obese, obesity is a phenomenon caused by excessive body fat, the legs look fleshy, soft, usually as fat. The key point is the maintenance diet, more than a brisk walk, or the use of leg exercise leg calories consumed. To solve thigh fat type obesity, in addition to diet must be (especially with a lot of refined carbohydrates and sugar foods, such as: fruit juice, bread, cakes, gravy food, etc.), and strengthen the local movement outside (fast walking or leg movement), the cycle in the lower body is also another much-needed efforts to strengthen the focus. General and not because of the muscles caused by too much fat, because muscle cells are the body burn excess calories will help the lean tissue, muscle, obesity causes of obesity are we to do when the obese category to the classification of simple type. In the female body because there is no support for the male hormone, even though a lot of movement in the muscles under the form maintained in the absence of sustained contraction under will easily disappear, generally referred to improper muscle movement obesity is caused by lactic acid waste after caused by excessive accumulation of abnormal muscle cell hypertrophy, such circumstances may, by local massage, relaxation exercise and proper stretching exercises or yoga to achieve the effect of improving the lines; But some people because stopping exercise habits after the original maintain the old diet and weight, in a situation of oversupply heat, fat cells naturally replace the original muscle cells, although the feeling on the shape has not changed, but the body fat composition of human tissues have been quietly capture it! Leg edema most people fall into this category radish, carrot leg edema unrelated to high, short, fat, thin, mainly caused by poor circulation, mostly professional, pregnancy, leg activity, genetic, and drug use related. Its features include: lap bloodshot eyes or blood vessels more obvious, like As the final cause varicose veins. Note the maintenance of the error will cause the following problems, including the more obvious leg edema, and blood vessels may leak blood stained, and legs also tend to have a sour, pain, swelling, swelling and flu, and leg skin, easy itching, dryness, and become dull situation. If the leg has a slight varicose veins,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com][b]title=Moncler Sale[/b][/url], should note the following: 1. Do not soak feet hot bath or hot water; water temperature to 38 degrees is appropriate. 2. Do not force beat, over massage, or rubbing pressure to push the legs; action to be gentle massage to the muscles. 3. Do not wear elastic stockings hiking, running, or intense exercise. 4. Do not sit all day and do not drink; need to add water to increase circulation. 5. Do not wear high heels, shopping or dancing a long time, try to find time to do portal hypertension action. 6. Do not wear too tight and did not pressure the medical efficacy of elastic stockings, make blood pressure is too high. At present, very advanced technology to solve varicose veins disease, but prevention is still better than cure, wearing a gradual pressure design of elastic stockings, is recognized as the most effective medical treatment trapped. If you already have varicose veins symptoms, there is swelling or leg swelling phenomenon are hard-tingling, Yi physician consultation as soon as possible, to avoid delays to improve the timing. Prevention of natural fat-based fat thighs thigh fat is the number of cells caused by too much or too large local obesity, to solve the type of fat thigh fat, in addition to diet must be (especially with a lot of carbohydrates and refined sugar foods For example: fruit juice, bread, cakes, gravy food, etc.), and strengthen local movement outside (brisk walking or leg movement), in the lower body circulation is another much-needed efforts to strengthen the focus, including: 1. do not drink cold drinks or sugary drinks. 2, can not sit down for half an hour after a meal, so as not to oppress the lower body circulation. 3, to avoid wearing the corset and panty poor design, so instead of affecting the lower body of the loop. 4, the daily bath for 20 minutes, the water temperature is about 38 ℃. 5, note that the legs and abdomen warm. Radish legs are usually simple coup formation, is a long jump or tiptoe to do the action, so that excessive use of posterior leg of the gastrocnemius muscle hypertrophy and stiffness, beauty-conscious women if you want to eliminate the nuisance of radish legs, the legs of some simple basic maintenance movement, often free to do. 1, a muscle-type radish maintenance steps: sitting, the legs straight Step two: the first one foot raised,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/][b]title=UGG Outlet Mall[/b][/url], knees can not bend Step three: to the limit for 10 seconds down

Step Four: Each night after a bath, 20 feet take turns to do the type of analysis: mainly in the normal running, the movement of people who, because of the long-term movement so very strong, and the most obvious. 2, edema radish legs Step one: Step two legs to sit straight: his left foot raised his left hand to seize the calf area to help support the Step Three: can not bend his left knee, toe position to other effects, making the legs appear swollen or varicose veins of the phenomenon. Open Category: Beauty, fat, thin, legs, body tissue, Related articles:

