
Moncler StoreWomen suffering from anemia, a lack of medical expenses funded by a strange woman 20,00

the past two days, Ms. Gu to ask friends and relatives over the side, It has been denied funding her, to repay later.

Ms. Gu hopes the newspaper, thank the kind woman to help her Ningfeng She

heard the news, Mr. Zhou's ex-husband has been divorced five years, and immediately returned to Ms. Gu side, careful to take care of her. In order to help her cure,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com/]Moncler Store[/url], Chow over the side by friends, raised $ 200,000. However,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com/]Moncler Store[/url], as of April 17 still owe the hospital $ 10,000 in medical expenses.

newspaper reporter (Reporter Yang Ming) bed, Ms. Gu time and time again muttered to himself. The past few days she has been looking for, but also always wanted to know, that were sent to twenty thousand yuan of unnamed women who in the end.

yesterday afternoon, Xijing Hospital four, 53-year-old Miss Gu lying in bed unable to move, after 3 months of treatment not yet out of danger. She said he was laid-off workers, the Chinese New Year Eve suddenly feeling dizzy, feeling weak, rushed to the hospital, the test results came a bolt from the blue - with severe aplastic anemia, the same day issued a notice in critical condition, doctors told her that this disease need blood transfusions, immunotherapy, not only the treatment cycle is long, need to spend several hundred thousand dollars.

afternoon, Mr. Zhou query the hospital account,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com/]Moncler Store[/url], it was found that two million more, to pay the hospital's debt,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com/]Moncler Store[/url], helped Ms. Gu over the hump. In this regard, Xijing Hospital staff said four charges window, in the morning, Ms. Brush did well-known bank card, to Miss Gu transfer of $ 20,000.

At this point, if you do not timely make up the cost,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com/]Moncler Store[/url], can only be discharged early on, and discharge means that the treatment interruption, any time of danger. At stake, at 10:00 on April 17, Ms. Gu's bedside suddenly came an uninvited guest, a 30-year-old wearing a fashionable lady. She was first asked Ms. Gu's condition and family situation, ask each other when Ms. Gu identity, the woman only said,

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