
Moncler CoatsMan charged builders ask for CCTV new site project cost of labor

one person involved in the CCTV building construction project stopped after two years , said the fire did not pay to prosecute Na Yifen construction company

(Reporter Hong snow) Nie involved in the construction of the CCTV building , but a the fire has nearly 10 million cost of labor

this end , Mr. Nie three springs construction company in Shandong taken to court , asking them to pay nearly 10 million owed ​​for services rendered . Reporters learned that morning ,Moncler Coats, Fengtai Court has accepted the case .

morning reporter learned , March 2, 2007 , Mr. Nie construction company from Shandong three springs on behalf of Lee at the construction site that the company contracted a company from Beijing Urban Construction CCTV new site a projects of the project and wants to join Mr. Nie , responsible for construction of production issues .

Nie agreed to Lee's request , the act also in Shandong three springs construction company , its projects and the Beijing Urban Construction Department of the recognition of a company .

Nie responsible for site management. However,UGG Shop, February 9, 2009 evening, the CCTV building fire , caused by the project stopped .

According to Mr. Nie said the night he did not fire at the site . The next day back to the site, Mr. Nie for assistance in accordance with relevant parties in the investigation of more than two months . However, the site has not been settled , to be completed only in May this year, the final settlement .

this end , Mr. Nie found three springs construction company in Shandong , requiring payment of money owed ​​to their own , but the negotiations several times, no money to return . p>

so, Mr. Nie three springs construction company in Shandong taken to court ,UGG Boots, asking them to pay arrears for services rendered.

present, the case is pending .

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