
I watched Jay

I saw Jay, the big S, small S, Lu Yu to you to do the brand diplomat, you know what it feels like it?

If this attitude is to enhance their products, I trust you can never become a world-class brand. Because you have even the most minimal nature of the industry did not understand the concept.

me give you an example, when the plane today, the organizers received me very incited, show me a lot of information to see one of them asked the network to the garment lying winter is very important. I said, is it?

07, Nike and iPod cooperation produced a special sports shoes. There is a sensor on the heel, you can send information directly to your iPod inside, then you can return to finish the desk, joined Apple computers, to know how many calories consumed, ran long, with sports, health-related data can Through this network appears on the shade.

then, his friend told me that the conclusion is it?

apparel products, he said this is a good case, and network integration. Therefore, the 2008 Nike running shoes market share additional by 11%, 11% of the significance of this extraordinary, not simply growth, but from its opponents get 11%, but I would like to use this simple story and you make an beginning expression.

you know, the present administration plan, corporate strategy like to make decisions based on appearances?

today by the appointment, I told the enterprise about a problem, the surface, this Nike running shoes to mushroom the company's market share, but that is superficial!

there Prada in 2008 and co-produced South Korea's LG mobile phone, the phone sold extra than 6,000 chips. You from the surface, namely Prada would like to enter the network via the mobile phone epoch. A orthodox clothing mark, why absence to produce mobile phone? Is no to give you the impression, Prada too need to enter the Internet age it?

If you think so, I can tell you that you see is superficial! iPod, Nike, LG, Prada, in the end they doing?

not you simply assume. Network is a concept, can be infinitely distended. Do not see the network on a high-tech feel, now,UGG Outlet, there a straightforward idea, the product that I put up the network if it is not that black horse? This is the network's amplified, I would like examples of these four companies and talk to you about in the end they act?

and in fact they do about naught to do with the network, these four companies are pursuing the only true words: nature of the industry.

I would like to talk about the Nike shoes and iPod, Nike shoes What namely the nature of its industry?

cooperation between the two companies, iPod Apple is what the industry, why should you two be together? Our conclusion is this: each of the parties to recover such cooperation through the nature of the industry. The concept of the nature of the industry mean?

We normally teach students in the School of Management, which it often comes to chief, technology, personnel, management, etc., which are a needful condition for business success. An enterprise to be successful, you need to follow the nature of the industry, of way, this is a sufficient condition, you do not pursue it, then it will not fail, which is why Jinjiang City, many companies do not follow the nature of the industry, without fail, this is because it is sufficient condition, but not necessitated.

Nike What is the nature of the industry?

that sports products.

iPod this microcomputer brand, what is the nature of its industry? Clearly tell you that intimate partners. Why after 2008 Apple will accomplish excellent success? Especially in 2008, because it's brand unprecedented nature of the industry shows that it can transform purchasers truly intimate partners. In 2007 and 2008, when there are several best selling calculator is Apple, IBM and DELL. I think, with you first unravel what Apple nature of the industry to fight it? Why do this?

think today, in the 1970s and 1980s, the beginning of time, IBM PC Why can sell very well? Because it demonstrates a new technology, science and technology closer to the interval among man and computer, so the computer became the most intimate partners.

But after the year 2000, each company based on the existing do some fine-tuning, as each company can not clutch the perfect technology, from high-tech nature of the industry gradually became into an intimate partner.

other rubbish soon after I said, you think, you just put iPod sales and Apple's sales maneuver knotted together into a draft, you will find a very surprising diagram, that is bad when iPod sales, Apple sold well, a good time when iPod sales, Apple sold very well. Why?

because the iPod is a real intimate partner. You think you shopping avenues today, you may take a computer too, but the iPod hanging in the body, you can forever listen to music, so the iPod for us it is a real intimate partner. The Apple iPod and Apple to parcel together the result is the close partnership between the displacement to the computer, which is why Apple in terms of overall advent is very smart. I can not say is the most beautiful, in fact, worse presently after. This allows users to feel warm, to make people feel by love, to make people feel close, feel the simple Apple's fleeting ascend to become the key.

distinct brand, DELL. It's success is definitely not what you imagine that they can equip. Many servant firms learn to convene computers DELL, and why the domestic gathering of PCs is not successful, but the DELL computer gathering can succeed? You see it in advertising, he stressed that is not assembled computers, but a near relationship, I think that all the assembly to be my adore through the computer, and now the ads are in this sense as the basic claims. I personally assembled the computer itself that is only a means, the real purpose and Apple, must be a close partnership, it is very good.

(Apple iPod) Why do you keep Nike collaboration? Then say, if you have the accustomed of a.m. run each morning, you wear the Nike sports shoes, running out at 6 o'clock, through the connector to your iPod, then improved through the Nike sports shoes each day for your morning prepare a accustomed of intimacy. You will find that every morning repeat the same action, you can not do without it. iPod is not just a simple relationship between listening to melody, but also on health. Movement when you need it to be a close partner around you, you need to know how many calories consumed, because of this feature, cooperation with the iPod when you have a close partnership. So iPod will be rising. Why Nike

cooperation with the iPod, Nike would like to get back what nature of the industry?

that sports shoes, Nike shoes is their potential. You see, when at the Athens Games, was the negotiator for Nike, as we saw in the road are the same as Lu Yu, S, great S. It is not because it is the nature of the advertising industry to fight nature, nature is not playing products.

So for Nike, Liu found advertising, how to create it is the nature of their potential. Chinese people love sports is disliked. Talking about the Olympics, we are very proud that we have more than 50 gold awards, Europe is not (so much). Our field events with the trail not, we play table tennis, badminton also. Westerners than trail and field, basically we jump far enough, hasty ample to run, swim rapid enough. The Chinese people, for example, the lack of will to obtain, while (assorted pretexts are out), out of the zone, absence of muscle power, heard the more pessimistic, and Chinese people can not become a sprinter trapeze.

Nike watch these, so when the Olympic Games in Athens, (adapted potential law). Is secondhand to crash the statute. Finally, Liu Xiang really a pressure pack, get the Olympic sprint champion. Liu Xiang's success is that we truly become the starting of the Chinese people amplify their potential.

potential metaphor out of it through advertising. Today you think you find voice for advertising, how would you say? Metaphor in this path you will be the nature of the industry do? You do not, how do you proclaim? For example, ore water, Liu Xiang Pao Paopao, to the finish line, hands one to open, say Are you still playing product awareness, hope to see you to play with Liu Xiang's reputation known.

then we should melodrama through advertising what? Liu Xiang to play through your (brand) to be the pursuit of amusement. For example, Adidas and Li Ning shoes are anything is feasible, Liu Xiang, China's success really is our people that anything is likely representation. Please think about it, Nike potential, why reserve iPod cooperation?

cooperation with the iPod because only through these file show, you will be more resolved to scamper better, waste 1,000 calories today, when I give you a target when you will find that you will proceed to play potential to chase a target, you play to their potential in the process of referendum iPod will tell you this information, your cooperation with this anyone nice?

appears to be the construction of the network, in truth, the iPod took the consciousness of intimate partner, Nike took the sport feeling. Internet is only a means, not an end.

two other companies, one is Prada, one is LG, they are going to do?

along to my before reasoning, LG cell phone surely wish to see back nature of the industry, and Prada clothing industry behind on its nature, what is?

First we look at LG. LG Why do not you want to cooperate with other brands, such as with Bossini, Crocodile cooperation, why keep Prada cooperation? Then ask you a word, what is the nature of the phone industry?

On the nature of the mobile phone industry, many people say that China's mobile phone is a low-end brands, I ask you why? Because most middle and low brand potential! You surmise, the low-end mobile phone market share is how much? 82% of the left-glazed Ding

many companies often inquire me a word, Lang, Professor, can you amuse acquaint me which an is the most promising industry, I ambition to provide. You calculate has the potential of the industry you want to invest? I tell you, whether you want to invest in mobile phones, mobile phone you will ascertain navel and cheap investment, for well as 82% of the market potential is not unlocked. In the end you find that you are bad, and why?

you fair cut the low end is the most wrong. China is the largest hack from low-end phones, you do not encounter the nature of the industry. Mobile nature of the industry is the potential energy, we have to end cut! Only 18% of high-end, are the least potential zones, but the mobile nature of the industry to tell you, some from the high-end cut, playing feel. After the cut, more than 6 months remain in the high-end, amassed a lot of energy, I call it potential energy. After six months, a lot of energy accumulation, and then cut corners from a height, swept in low-end market, from the most promising low-end market chase. Because of this, Nokia became the first, which is why mobile phone is the lowest average price of Nokia, MOTO is the second, Samsung is the third.

you find, do mobile phones to be successful, is not a simple mobile advertising, but to meet the mobile nature of the industry. This is why Samsung, LG meteoric rise in recent years. They caught the nature of the industry that the use of feeling, from the high-end insert, accumulation potential, the downward impact on the low end. Only Samsung, LG has not done the second tread, Nokia did. This is the mobile nature of the industry.

Prada it?

a Chinese entrepreneur would like to buy a brand, Pierre Cardin, you cost so much money to buy a brand can succeed? I ask you, the spirit of Pierre Cardin brand is what? I ask you, what is the brand morale of Prada?

it today even if it's brand Prada low to sell you, I advise you not to buy,Moncler Coats, and why? Because you do not understand the averaging of its brand is what you bring ... to an end, the industry will be the same as the other was lost. BenQ Siemens mobile phone over the accretion, to what end result? A year or two after crashing fall, and why? Not by the acquisition of the brand to the!

you do not see too easy to affair, the brand is to discipline them, and why? ipad2 Prada If you want to buy it, you tell me what you want to buy it brand of spiritual strength? If you do not response them, then you have to hear, here I would like to talk to you about this opportunity with Prada brand.

Prada made a film, woman is a very strong woman.

This is why Prada cosmetics are white, dark, nothing particularly feminine feeling, because it is a very muscular accent on a woman without a man, called Prada. You see it's clothing, or even dark, why? Hit the spirit of the brand. You might say that the occasion is purely ponderous, not man, not a handful of women? Yes, it is for this market, you can control the market, you will be successful. This is the renowned worldwide brands. Feminization of the market are to cut the brand as the main point.

but this membrane which has a very touching scene, to 0:00, she called back to her secretary, the no man's woman, no make-up, his face haggard. She told her secretary, my husband do not want me, and he divorced me, how I hope to see a man on the elbow to let me rely on. Midnight, when a man wants a little princess.

put a brand derives from the spirit of this woman, as another brand spirit - Anna Sui. You to see the Anna Sui cache, its picture spokesman Barbie, it's colorful business card holder is very cute. Can eventually find the real people who teach Anna Sui has 15 to 60 years old, you may be wondering, 5 or six-year-old woman to Anna doing? Because all women want to build a little princess.

Prada is the most manly, Anna Sui is the most petticoat. Among these brands are all in the LV, depending on the nature of the market, feminine cut, LV more masculine side, Chanel more feminine side, but not as good as Anna Sui, the feminine conviction of depending on market brand, has been divided over the whole space So you want to go in? You want to go in the fashion industry, to construct a world-class brand? It can be difficult, and why is difficult? Because of the separate have been divided over.

Why LG and Prada to cooperate, because Prada is a world famous brand, through the cooperation and Prada, you can completely build their own brands, from high-end cut, the further down the shock of the low-end market, which is LG doing. So he would not cooperate and Bossini, because it is required to meet the industry.

cooperation with LG Prada, not a simple network performance, but to continue to accent it's a man of mobile features, please retard your internet, what Prada LG phone variety of phone? That phone is black, pure black, I will not use, and why? A too masculine. You all feel a little savor of women. It is the touch screen, highly masculine phone, how to use? It specialized nature of the industry in order to fight it, emphasizing the masculine qualities, so through this dark, continue to reinforce its industry nature. Therefore, LG took the nature of its industry, it is cut from high-end; Prada also took the nature of its industry, what is it? That is, masculine feminine.

So the surface, these 4 brands appear to have entered the Internet Age. But I remind you that the network is momentous, but the nature of the industry is more major. Network in terms of these four companies is a means, the real purpose of nature of the industry. But the nature of the industry can not continue to play out through the network?


you think about it, these four brands on the network if they can put it off to pursue the nature of the industry, released to consumers, do not you think it is do more with fewer? Do you think serves more than a simple converge on the consumer's feeling? Network era in terms of sales, should the network as a means to the ultimate nature of the industry for the purpose of this is our good enhancement! Like a true fashion and sports branding important decision is to nature through the network for the purpose of an industry broad move to consumers. This is a key to success.

network in addition to the concept of playing nature of the industry, there are what contribute?

we are talking about two companies, one in Spain, ZARA, of Sweden's H & M. The two companies compared to the same nature, are what? Are efficient compression chain!

I Guangdong, for example, the Guangdong from product design, raw material procurement, storage and transportation, order processing, wholesale to retail, the entire process to go down, there are 180 days. Other areas including Zhejiang, Fujian it is not the same feud. I Guangdong, for example.

ZARA and H & M's true philosophy?

Prada according to the story I tell, I can say, in the 100 years of fashion history, broken down as the result of these international brands, the division is divided out, the ultimate result tell you, I think that Anna Sui is the final one (big fashion brand). This is why it accents the utmost feminine, because all the other feminine qualities are sculptured out of assorted brands. If Anna is the final, then, ZARA and H & M than it later, I ask you, (they) have the opportunity to way world-class brand industry? Is difficult.

That is why they corner into the efficient integration of industrial chain. When you do not need world-class brands, if you can enter into the efficient integration of industrial chain, you can still sweeping the world. This is why ZARA, H & M defeated Japan's UNIQLO. (Because) they out of fashion, into a new concept.

that is to 180 days in Guangdong corporations chain efficient compression, this is the reason for the success of the two companies. Compression to the number of days? According to the data show, ZARA compressed to 12 days, H & M compressed to 21 days.

you think about it, compressed to 12 days with the 21 days What are the benefits? We do not say other words, if creation in Guangdong, a piece of clothing from product design to sales 180 days, it is a piece of clothing 180 days of storage costs. If you can like ZARA, like compression to 12 days, then you save the price of 168 days of storage. Therefore, the spend has dropped significantly, profits spouse progress. You know it do anything?

it advances cost-effective means to cost-effective, for example, then, through the cost of compression, special clothes to sell it cheap, cheaper than many of our nation. And not only cheap, but a special fashion. Although the quality in common, but you can not wear clothes lifetime, up to wear season. Why did the fashion


first thought is you may find a lot of prominent ZARA designers. No, it is superficial. H & M has a lot of famous designers, ZARA not. Why ZARA special fashion clothes?

me give an example, it has 100 pieces of dressing, sold 12 the day before yesterday, yesterday sold 6, sold 7 today. It tells its designer, you do not innovate, your contribution according to 12-6-7 (percentage) to design clothes. If these clothes are dark catena, your new clothes is dark. According to you then it alterations, 12 are four buttons, six buttons are 3, 7 are two buttons, you quickly made back to the market, take a few days? Need 12 days to 12 days to the market when you find that you're feeling particularly fashionable! Why particular fashion? Not by the best designers, but chain compression to 12 days. For ZARA, it the result of efficient compression chain, the first is to reduce costs and become its most important selling point; second, the product primarily fashion.

H & M do not professional ZARA, H & M the most different point is what? This is what I told you about the subject. Know you look at H & M? Use of modern consulting systems, network systems, to create a very efficient integration of industrial chain.

and ZARA is quite mechanized, case in point, it is to more and more the logistics speed of 200 km of underground digging machine tunnel. H & M is using the Internet, use of advisory system, the product chart, raw materials, arsenal, and so compression is zero, production the depressed design, from product design to sales entire the time compression to 21 days. Why do you say immediately? The system is laborious to imitate because of ZARA, H & M system is quite easy to emulate, yet it ought be said that the success of an advisory system, the chairman in the Internet age. UNIQLO to study who? Its advisory system to instantly study H & M! Because H & M is learning. ZARA is the notion of learning, it is difficult to learn the pattern, also perplexing.

me through this lecture today, you want to convey the two ideas. The first idea, you do not the purpose of the network when the network is simply not a goal, it is a means. You do not think that I do clothes, I developed what network alternatively someone, I will do well. No such object. Today, I made the fashion industry, including sportswear, I intended two concepts, that is:

first, how to put your system through the network nature of the industry the right to convey to consumers. This is how the network to aid you.

Second, the nature of the industry in addition, if you can learn to ZARA H & M chain with efficient integration, the network or the advisory system can help you achieve this goal.

for your industry, if the product design to sales time drastically reduced, you will be capable to board on a fashionable level. And compression, what is the most imitable, most can learn a model? H & M that is controlled along the Internet age, also phoned the information age.

Therefore, the network is a manner, but there are 2 purposes, first smooth nature of the industry, the second fetter of effective integration. % D% A

This story procreated from www.51pingguo.net

[original] Lang: the nature of network communication industry

