
Monster HeadphonesOther Scarecrows

I thought - why not? Heh. Yes, icon meme. Peruse or not at your own discretion. :)

As far as other things go...well....

It's gotten lovely and cool here, with rain and drizzle and cloudy skies for *days*. Windows open, air off, fuzzy socks on and flannel pants drug down from the attic. Or is that dragged? Either way, i rather adore being chilly and getting all snuggly under a fleecy throw. So much more than lying prostrate on the couch with a fan on, sucking down gallons of cold water and having a wet washcloth drip down my back.

In a couple/three days, in fact, it will be the Autumn Equinox and summer will truly be gone again, back to sleep for another year. Yay,[url=http://www.monsterheadphonesforsales.com/]Monster Headphones[/url]!

And in just five days, SHOW will be back! Wheeeeee!! I cannot wait. And no, i do not know any spoilers about *anything*, and I don't want to know! *bounces around in utter, gleeful idiocy* I am fangrrl, hear me squee.
*and don't harsh my bliss*

Now - onto the meme! choose these. Good choices! If anyone reading this decides they want to participate - cool! But - anticipating far more interest than will probably exist - i'm only going to do the first...three. Otherwise, I'll get all flaily and distracted and stuff and Fail to Choose Icons, and I don't wanna do that. So...


So there is that,[url=http://www.monsterheadphonesforsales.com/]Monster Headphones[/url]! Hope you enjoyed. I love my icons - some i've had since my very first foray into LJ, and still use them, and some are brand new. All are happy-making, and i really, really, really neeeeeed more icon space. *shakes LJ hard* C'mon - increase the a la carte sizes!!

Hope everyone is well - be happy, stay safe! Now for juice,[url=http://www.monsterheadphonesforsales.com/]Monster Headphones[/url], a shower, and the rest of my day.
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