
UGG Classic 15 licensed women's prison inmates to go home New Year ( Photos )

Ming Jing (right) out of prison to visit the Chinese New Year charter
memorial mother

2008 Chinese New Year Eve, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, organized a women's prison, the largest ever assistance and education activities in a good performance --- 15 concession of inmates from the prison to visit the New Year, they are in, the oldest 54 years old, the youngest 31 years old. It is reported that 15 to go home this New Year's required all female inmates reported daily to the whereabouts of the prison, Year 3 returned to prison when everyone arrive before 5 pm.

the Spring Festival, the reporter was transnational drug smuggling case along with a female accomplice in the Ming Jing (a pseudonym), the special witness her journey home ... ...

home for the holiday she had three wishes

shown signs of that quiet, is the February 3, 3:00 pm. Chengdu,UGG Classic, Sichuan Province Women's Prison through the heavily guarded gates of the two,UGG Classic, in the regulatory area office, 37-year-old Ming static medium build, short hair keep Qi ear, not aware of any conversations between, she was in cross-border drug trafficking case a female accomplice.

15 years ago, that still met in Guangzhou, lead her to destruction after her boyfriend has a few years --- a man experienced in drug trafficking, through the direct involvement of the man and his 16-person cross-border drug trafficking gang , drugs are transported into the country from abroad. In 1992, police cracked the case was in Chengdu, Ming Jing's boyfriend and the rest were arrested along with nine principal, and in 1994 was executed before and after. Together with others, quiet and out of drug trafficking were sentenced to death the remaining five other different prison sentences. The past 16 years, the transformation that static as well, outstanding performance, has won five times commutation, May 7 this year, she will soon be free.

1 29, the production plant is still working out, the prisons policewoman to go home this New Year's news to tell her, she cried on the spot. 1992 Pipansihuan Ming Jing, long gone father and mother had each been in 1993, the mother can not stand against her imprisonment, tragic death, and child out of wedlock with her boyfriend failed to look after his son, that the static on the jail. Over the years, that quiet uncle and aunt and other relatives thanks to the outside to take care of her son, now almost 16 years of age, and all these years, the family has been told the child, his mother in the field, work is very busy, can not go home to take care of him.

talking about the desire to go home, that the quiet sobs, the home, would like to thank yourself a good uncle, aunt one, the other two wishes is to see his son and his mother Shangfen. the next day long. She said:

Eve dream is to go home to do housework

2 月 5 日 上午 9 when 20 points, monitor the mental health center area in front of the sun in a huge From here to the new, dress --- red coat, red jacket instead of the usual prison uniform, everyone is well dressed up, hair neatly combed, and others of the makeup.

9 1840 hours 15 people called into a meeting room, to open a short meeting. Mayor not to take advantage of prison, they began a pleasant, easy to find out from their holiday arrangements. The face of this rare winter sunshine,UGG Classic, mixed feelings of a female prison officer said: Old Chengdu, Chun Xi Road, Kejia Lane and youth road in their memory, they are still yesterday's appearance.

After the meeting, told reporters that the quiet, that you can go home after the New Year these days she sleep well at night, the night before it is mixed feelings get to sleep, stumbled to a close the eye is constantly dreaming, dream full of family washed their smiling faces, their clothes are kept in, even though cold winter water.

10 1015 hours that followed a quiet corridor along the long walk out policewoman, policewomen to the entrance, a: finished. Just turned green belt, a look of anxious aunt and uncle appeared at the prison gate, waving out quiet quickly ran up.

standing in front of his family after an absence of one year, just shout out a quiet voice: In order to pick out quiet, family specifically looking for a van to. After a few simple greetings, 10:20, Ming Jing finally joined his uncle, aunt cars along the way home.

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