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Second pledge Section 27: Human Management M-theory (2) to reasonable restrictions to be reasonable. what are limited, there is no use; nothing restrictions, like this mean it does not care about him and we always talk about a child born is a lovely person, I do not believe this sentence; a lot of people say that a child is Angel, I do not believe it. destroyer of children are born, you just two hours never mind him, he would make a mess at home,[url=http://www.monclercoatsoutletstore.com/]Moncler Outlet Store[/url], it can be called a child. no matter if you two hours, your child will Finishing the home was clean, that is the monster you give kids shoes, very strange, he always left foot right foot wear shoes, left foot right foot wear shoes, the probability of 50%, but he is so, what is your way? so only need to teach their children if the children are born with what the parents do not have to teach them the Why we say that education is important? that the child is born destroyer. children the book out, He will throw a local one, to get him back order, it would need to teach adults. kids will want to urinate urinate anywhere, to get him to go into the bathroom, we must teach him to go there now many people do not dare to control their children, not limit their children that this is the fashion, the trend is, in fact, this concept is too wrong, it is entirely the result of education do not understand because he did not find out the nature of children, but that the new the concept is right, it's all over.
tube was reasonable, that is human-oriented management. that what is For a long time, many people mistakenly believe that a person should not indulge in any of the parties, in fact, this is the fence that does not change the die-hard.
two people quarrel, A to B does your home say, you say Yes, B is not right people are really strange to you that A on A and B to B on you, in the end who is right? , where the call is reasonable? Confucius's life is this not the most annoying is not non of , do not do This way; reasonable to go over there, go out into the side walk, where reasonable, you where to go, not that good where I go where it is not possible.
fact, a moderate the road. There is no such thing unreasonable, which is moderate, is difficult, but I have repeatedly stressed, because it is difficult, is worth our heart, it is worth it when we target to pursue, not to mention learned later, we can use for a long time, so still young to learn sooner, the better for you is the truth.
reasonable and unreasonable, it is necessary with the people, events, times, places, things, and many other factors change, it is very important, so ; different places. the provisions of law is dead, the justifications for a living as a workaround, so the most respected Chinese people's words, is opportunistic and go, as long as he is for his own interests, is the money into his pocket, a small family to take care of their own people, he is definitely opportunistic, so they are a male, the other is private, that is, people your subordinates, so that your employees, so everyone must act according to circumstances, must not be opportunistic as a Chinese, you just remember these words, all things will be very reassuring.
four human The middle management
moderation referred to as accordance with the management, intelligence, reason and law, to ; voices fill the air. everyone seems very afraid of ;, This one-sided negative attitude, it is our sages do not understand the arrangement We must point out that The Book of Songs, Neo before the hole, the old, ink, Meng philosophers like to say, package was large, the rationale for many reasons which is said word clock. , all in accordance with reason to do it.
as unique to the Chinese people involved in the , so lamented ; nothing in the explanation of understand the , older elders, is the proof.
second pledge Section 28: Human Management M-theory (3), prove that the Chinese people in is the when meaning 'that is timely, heaven is not fixed, but it is time to adapt to the Chinese people are very particular about the alternative is a problem: men and women accept not pro, was the community should abide by the truth, once the face of special situations, such as drowning sister-in-law, then how to do? Mencius told him to be in love this (compassion) of the heart, immediately to the rescue. peacetime idea, because justified if there is gas, .
staff if the company made a fault, you tell him: ;, is the This had the other. Westerners so in terms of usage management, all in accordance with law to determine who is legally justified because of the relatively fixed rigid provisions of the law, so talk to convention, is relatively simple and convenient.
our sages, is not no heavy law and some people do not re-alleged Confucian law, only the Legalist law was heavy, this is not the fact, attention to etiquette but Confucius idea of ​​the most important one of the pioneer of China's constitutional theory, Mr. Hsiao political thought that Confucius starting point, but system, adjust the monarch and his up and down the rights and obligations. system, he advocated In the corporate management that the We formulate these rules and regulations, it is impossible to take care of all the special situations in the application, not to mention the emergence of new individuals often are implemented, and can not be known in advance. Confucian idea that once someone is facing a special situation, you do not have to rigidly adhere to the form of ritual, but specification should be in line with the adaptation of humanity to improve efficiency are the masters of laws and institutions, laws and institutions are not slaves. is stipulated by the law must be changed by management to changing circumstances. some of our common head, repeatedly institutionalized , but often destroy their own system and plausibly, we can see the impact of these ideas, both power and far-reaching.
Xunzi said: modifications should do justice, at any time depending on the situation, change its ways to deal with, to fit their wish. in a special environment, sometimes clear and definite violation of the law decided to do, he does so, does not mean that the overall law negative, but obedient another layer of law (reason) before we give up or in violation of the original law (law).
usage in terms of reason, of course, is simple, in fact it can not cope with or who witnessed the crimes in society a lot of people, thereby creating a sense of shame evil, strongly advocates the use of unscrupulous methods in order to eliminate the wicked and heavy violence, the results tend to be cruel without knowing it. usage in terms of management, motivation is good, the results has caused many unreasonable behavior.
Thus, our sages to ; called unreasonable, or moving from France to not be afraid, you do not unreasonable illegal, but I can not speak, because you talk as long as France and China would hurt the feelings of people at the airport, customs, and many other places, you can hear, when law enforcement officials told him that not so, he will ask : Act, so the mouth are talking about the situation, of.
we say some people talk about the mouth according to law, and my heart is like a reasonable solution, we rarely according to law. Chinese society, according to law is a highly difficult task, because the Chinese people to do those legal provisions specifically thing, as long as it has provided, he would not have done, so we captured some people and often can not find the legal basis, do not know which one to punish him according to we are a reasonable solution, but very few according to law However, some talk about the mouth, method is a last resort, the Chinese people first by a fair and reasonable, the first conditions are placed on one side, so we often talk about people I would let you face, you do not listen? I heard you give your face, well,[url=http://www.monclercoatsoutletstore.com/]Moncler Outlet Store[/url], I'll give you face; you do not listen, give you face, you do not listen, fell, there was no human , and according to law, I control you so much.
middle management on behalf of the Chinese people we will favor the law and often long-winded. foreigners criticize us for not law-abiding, is very unreasonable things.
are His We must not give him a face (to show But Of course, those who should necessarily convinced. weekdays so many friends, staff confidence, understanding of managers is unreasonable, if principled, employees will not have the emotional aversion to distrust, of course, is more conducive unreasonable.
<> second pledge Section 29: Human Management M-theory (4) the law of Management and emotionally moving first, and then enlighten them with reason, if you still can not produce positive results, is bound to be brought to justice, let him know the consequences of not unreasonable, and there is no possibility to avoid or escape. managers often identify a number of reasons, and even blame it on law, reason, should not be unworkable.
five, M theory that middle management
Since the Chinese-style management is the M is a so the management, of course, is mainly based on M theory.
especially from the view of M-shaped, it is a well-balanced left and right, very relevant have three basic requirements: first, symmetrical; second,[url=http://www.monclercoatsoutletstore.com/]Moncler Outlet Store[/url], balanced; third, the dynamic of China's ancient architecture, are of the midline, symmetrical, balanced on both sides, and then to maintain dynamic, not static, one calm down and that is a dead end . Unfortunately many architects, are not pay attention to these things, neither the centerline, on both sides are not balanced, so are asymmetric, the feng shui are destroyed. I have to explain, to feng shui science, not superstition, if the Gao Mixin, then the future of humanity is not. M's shape is consistent with our three basic requirements of the Chinese people, it is well-organized.
M a smooth balance, a symbol of the Chinese people's favorite can be invincible. Chinese people most like a toy, called bounced back to the left of the pressure you, go out into the left it down, you go to the right pressure, which go out into the right side down, you let go, it stood up, this is the standard Chinese spirit. people have under the eaves bow, the Chinese people do not resist, you pressed me, I heard you, look submissive, in fact, as long as you let go I got up and you see people like that in the British colonial era, they speak English, learn English and then everything after the handover, Hong Kong and living together, or the Chinese people.
M theory, unlike the not so good to see human nature, human nature will not see so bad, just not the execution of the theoretical side, we know that people can shape, and shape of the prime time, is three years old to six years old. year-old to see a large, old look old, do nothing after seven fact that a person has no self-confidence, you were born in the 10 months to 18 months for this. born 18 months later, no self-confidence is not confidence, which is there any way and we want to know how to use the appropriate method to create a reasonable humanity, this Jiaoren management.
before age 20, almost everyone almost, the difference is very limited, but in 20 years of age, Some people progress quickly, some people progress very slow, almost all of the changes are in the 20 years of age, while 20-year-old is a person to enter the workplace of age, he will work to grow from the will to his leadership As the object of imitation, so a leader only two responsibilities, one is to educate him, asking him to let him continue to grow; is to give him a chance, let him take the performance. This is the humane management.
So a person hit a good boss, he will grow quickly; encounter a bad boss, he will be very unlucky, even had very capable, but diminishing. employees will grow, to see him not a good leader, so a good leader of the greatest responsibility is to let your employees are able to grow very well, this is the greatest merit, have you let him make money, is in fact harm him, because a person's success too early, after the rest of his is very hard.
I have two words for your reference: the first one, with its early success, it is better late success; the second sentence, instead of late failure, as early as failure.
afraid of failure of a young age? failed to get up again, so many ideas we are poor, and believe that less than 30 years of age when the president, it is a marvelous thing. In fact, every time I I saw other people's business cards, a very young age as president, I am really worried for him, how he had the second half? I do not know of course he can stay, but to stay so long, very hard, if only 50 years old when the president of the words He stays a great ten years, it is possible you more than 20 years old when the president, to hold three or four years, it is very tired, so its early success, is really not as good as later success. a most lovely, the most valuable experience, is in the process of growing experience, which is also called the middle.
today many Chinese people are very poor, very confused, as they do not understand myself, nor test in the end is not appropriate applicable set of things it took the West blindly introduction to, and then a dig, as if something is right and proper, it did not matter that we all know, an American in the afternoon at five o'clock, his peace of mind to work; a Japanese people in the afternoon at five o'clock, his peace of mind to not work, the Japanese have never had to work on time; a Chinese five o'clock in the afternoon, he does not know how to do go, scolded work on time, are not allowed to work while also scolded This is the standard of Chinese people, so the Americans, Japanese and Chinese, in fact, each of them said, so middle of the guidelines for the management of human, we still have to go China's own road, which is why we talk about the reasons for M-theory, we Chinese people to go down this road, will be very happy, very happy. < br> Sixth, human management of the M-theory there is no one size fits
the world of management? not, because every country is different, every company is different, different in each region, management of natural different, but if M-theory, you will find that the world can be when you get to bring this world to go with M-theory, I guarantee you can have effect.
Since we are talking about the spirit of a pledge, then the M theory The We Do not presume to assume that employees will not work there is so many people treat people, they often say: the. between people, in fact, just a mirror, you see him, he saw you,[url=http://www.monclercoatsoutletstore.com/]Moncler Outlet Store[/url], if you look in the mirror as you go look in the mirror, you smile the way, which that person also smile for you laugh, you are very angry, which that person also you are very angry.
In psychology this is called the expected (expectation), meaning that you expect him good, he will naturally get better, you do not expect him to well, how can he become good? so we engaged in the management of people, we must hold an expectation on the attitude of staff, we at the end of every year has a new look, better hope the coming year. looking forward to is very important, so you go to any place, as long as you expect him hello, he would slowly on Hello.
management if humane, you should expect employees can be changed, not can not to change. who basically have Yinyou Yang, and everyone has a good idea, bad idea there, we sometimes to the benefit, would they want to be very good, but sometimes think the worst , will they want to become the worst person in the world, humanity's fickle here. Do you think people will make good work, he really will slowly get better; not everything you think he, he really No more there are too many managers hold one kind of look down on employee attitudes, that they count? what they can do? this attitude to change, because employees will be adjusted as you expect, this is ; all wishes come true dish was served, if you say good, it really good to eat; how this dish if you say so terrible, and it is really difficult to eat, so a person to make bread, if he is healthy, always smiling, you eat his bread will feel sweet, you will follow up and health; frown all day if this person, he will not do too delicious bread, you have to eat this bread This is not superstition, is a very scientific thing.
our customers to have a look. a customer come in, we believe that they do into business, it is really done as if the negotiations do not think today a result, it is often not the result we have a good look on the staff, know that he can be changed, as long as we take to be his, he will have good performance, this is universally true of the management.
employees in the end is good,[url=http://www.monclercoatsoutletstore.com/]Moncler Outlet Store[/url], to see how you look at him, so management of the first one is to think highly of your employees and you look down on him, it is hard to be him, so you have to think highly of him, he When people look at, respected him, and listen to his opinion, all good to talk, this is the best human management.
(b) the employee if the work concerned, it will automatically adaptable in order to seek a reasonable solution here and now the program.
no matter how you control people, they are actually useless because you Guan Dele him, but unable to manage his heart he thinking about, never to tell you, you can never master, so if we allow staff to take care of their own work, let him work on his heart, he will automatically act according to circumstances, will naturally do the work.
Unfortunately, most employees do not care about the work They may think they only earn a total of these money, no matter how hard, can not become rich, there is need to worry about work? so sometimes the staff manager, said: my heart feel good to laugh, I have any future? repeat all day long to do those things, no one hate our production line today, in fact, non-human. You see people who used to do the shoes, the shoes he was doing while singing, very happy now to make shoes of workers can not sing, he is not happy, why? because the previous workers, he is a pair of shoes from start to finish to do it, there is a fun, try very satisfied customers, he sense of accomplishment. Now the shoe workers are not fun and you see the following few questions and answers, becomes clear: where you work? I work in the shoe factory and you do shoes? not. that you What to do? I designed that heel nails, nail and only left foot, right foot never seen. What kind of work fun?
shoe factory workers will not do the shoes of a person, car plant workers, no one will build the car, which is a modern phenomenon brought about when we work breakdown was particularly fine, workers would repeat the action that is simple, he is no fun at all. But we are to produce convenient, in order to improve production efficiency, have to do, and then makes people not interested, no ability, no technology, so the division of labor is a necessary evil.
current production line, so that each person only the same situation has been less and less work, we find ways to let a person can do a few pieces of work, but also on a regular basis for a change. the work of the staff changes, he have fun, will work hard.
we find ways to help employees care about his work, must make him feel at ease. a person's peace of mind settle down, he will concentrate his mind disturbed, they will not concentrate on work any job injuries, are the thoughts that he went to Do not go where you look at the computer typist, if he is at work, thinking about noon where to eat? where to line up? he is prone to typing errors, he does not care about work, because he has trouble; he does not care work because they have a problem can not be solved; he does not care about work, because he encountered difficulties. managers of staff from the mental resolve these problems out, he was naturally concerned about the work.
(c) managers and by managers are human beings with each other need to be understand and sympathize.
I am a human, he is also human, who are all human. managers should be managers as a person, that you have to understand him, to sympathize with him . the West has emphasized that very interesting people, I spent 30 years studying Chinese, and now we find out why I believe most people are not sure of. Westerners you are right, he hears you, and more rational in China are you more reasonable, the more he does not listen to you and why? because he did not face, angry, so is also the Chinese curse, curse is also wrong, I visited 100 general manager, I say you people are strange your subordinates wrong you call him, I can understand, your subordinates are right, you call him, this is why? he said you did not find, the more subordinates of the more I did not face, I do not call him I got under the table it? so the Chinese people speak it very very expense of the people are, this is a very unique Chinese phenomenon. Why China's history, loyal and died faster it? is because they say, do The restless emperor, the emperor felt more like the emperor.
you to sell products, you put more right, the more customers want to buy your product, we must be careful that I am in college When the Comptroller, the responsible purchasing something, then have a variety of merchants to sell something to the school, I observed, we know that all the universities to demonstrate the product to introduce the more clear businessman, not a thing to sell more. Why? because the university professors are very knowledgeable on these products, do not introduce those merchants will stop, an introduction, Professor knew all wrong, it can buy it? I found some really talented business people, he opened things , does not describe, except to say the boss special account, university professor is an expert, authoritative, so this is not a show and tell the product, but please check there any drawbacks to expert, to tell them, they go back and change these professors saw. .. Related articles:

